About me

I will be joining the University of Zurich as an assistant professor in August this year. I am looking for PhD students and postdocs starting from the fall. If you are interested, see below for how to apply.

Currently, I am a postdoc at Stanford University at STAIR lab with Prof. Sanmi Koyejo. I'm interested in machine learning, optimization, and their intersections with decentralized and collaborative learning, and privacy.
Previously, I completed my Ph.D. at EPFL, Switzerland in the laboratory of Machine Learning and Optimization (MLO), supervised by Prof. Martin Jaggi. My PhD was supported by a Google PhD Fellowship in Machine Learning. During my PhD I also spent some time at FAIR (Facebook AI Research), and Google Research. My PhD thesis received ELLIS PhD Awards and EPFL Thesis Distinction Award.


• I am excited to announce that I will join the University of Zurich as an assistant professor in August this year!

I am looking for PhD students and postdocs starting from the fall. (flexible) My research interests include topics related to optimization, federated learning, machine learning, privacy, and unlearning. Both in theory and practice (e.g. related to LLM). If you are interested in working with me please apply!
To apply for a PhD, please email me at applications.uzh[at]gmail[dot]com and include the following documents combined in one PDF file:
- short motivation letter (e.g. 150 words is likely enough). Please explain your interests and why you are a good fit.
- CV (please include GPA, your rank within the department, any relevant experience and list of publications if applicable)
- Transcripts of bachelor’s and master’s degree
- Contact info of recommender letter writers (do not attach recommendations)
- One of the previous research papers or previous thesis if applicable

• 12/2024: I was honored to receive ELLIS PhD Awards and EPFL Thesis Distinction Award for my PhD thesis!

• 10/2024: I am honored to be selected as a Rising Star in EECS by MIT!

• 02/2024: I successfully defended my PhD thesis named "Optimization Algorithms for Decentralized, Distributed and Collaborative Machine Learning". Link to thesis


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